ProGroom Time Frame
• Our goal is to accommodate our customers in every way possible.
• We are very flexible when it comes to drop off and collection times.
• Most of our customers drop of their dogs between 9.30am and 10.30 am and collect them in the evening between 5pm and 6pm.
• If you request your dog to be finished at a specific time just let one of our team know and they will arrange it.
• Please remember that “Full Grooms” can take between 2 and 3 hours (or more), to complete depending on the breed, temperament and condition of your dog…
• We will advise you of earliest collection time on drop off.
• Wash and Go/Mini Grooms generally take no more than one to one and a half hours…
• Most walk in services e.g. nails clipped, ears cleaned, microchip etc. should take no more than 10-20 mins and can be completed as you wait.
• Customers will be contacted at the earliest stage if we need more time to complete the groom.
• You can request for us to text or phone you when your dog is ready for collection.
• Please allow extra time when collecting your dog for finishing touches.